Monday, July 17, 2006

Got Your Vans ONNNNN?!?!?!?

Straight Shooter: So theres a rap group called "The Pack" who skates...ummm....or a group of skaters who rap? I dont know Im not from the bay so I dont know! All I know is that damn Vans song. Im not a hater but these guys really cant spit(my opinion). But they have a very strong following on the left coast. I dont know if they are considered hyphy artists or not but people are going crazy over there hit "Vans". I have to admit that I do like the song. But thats just cause they are speaking on something different(Unlike Nelly's AF1's song), and I rock Vans myself and love the hell out of'em. Its funny cause there is even a group that made a diss record. But that shit is waaay lame. If you havent heard this song then its obvious you have spent too much time watching soft-core porn. So if you wanna check it just

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.