Sunday, July 23, 2006

Reading Is Funforthemental

I was gonna post about these two books I am in the process of reading. One is "The Celestine Prophecy", this book has been out for the longest. Its about people in the world becoming more spiritually aware. Its a really dope book. This is my third time reading it. The second one I got in the middle of the second semester. Its called "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron and deals with "blocked" creativity. It has excercises in their and tips and other ish for any artist regardless of genre who is having trouble gettin the juices flowin'. I would have pics of the books but the upload stuff is jacked up. But Im out for now...........Im stranded at my cuzzo's house and it sucks cause I dont have any of my instrumentals with me! Peace


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!