Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fa Real Though, Tink About It......

Hi........yeah its another one..........dont hate......Im just joshin' mang! I hope everybody is having a Happy "Sex Day". That is the whole point of all this hoopla:) But this post isnt about chocolate covered strawberries, eventhough that sounds tasty. I was flippin' through the channels the other day and came across CNN. They were talking about something that had to do with the government. Political crap isnt really my forte. I know Democrats and Republicans.....thats about it. But I did manage to catch the whole "Barak vs. Hillary Clinton" Soap Opera. Now I usually dont give a damn about this kind of b.s, but just by the "looks" of things this is gonna be something really "grand"(Grand......I like that do too, dont ya?). So I asked the folks at one of my favorite shoe spots, a childhood friend, a brother from another, a guy that keeps film in his refrigerator, and a brazilian bombshell what they thought about the "Barak vs. Hillary" fight..........Round 1!

"The Dope Spot"

Though I am independent I care about what goes on in politics to a degree. I really like Barak Obama and think that is is a really interesting tme in politics, historically and transitionally. It is pretty monumental to see what might possibly be the most interesting campaign in political history as we have a Female running for office and a strong HIGHLY potential Black (African American) running for president. John Edwards...if he takes the presidency, which I doubt, would raise serious questions on our political prowess as a nation. As far as ligitimacy and capability for the presidency I believe Barak Obama, personally, has the most potential to strike up serious change in the US. I think this will raise serious controversay because people are still backwards and have a fear of a Black president simply because it is unknown. I think that tyhe people also have a fear of a female presidnet because it has never been seen before. And honestly I think Hilary is just as capable as a president. I feel that there is a something to b said about a female leader that has not been exposed yet out side of the Queen of England which is really all ruled under a ecclesiastical heirarchy of more less dictators through chains of command...not much different than a presidency really but less church and more State.

It should be an interesting next 4-10 years in the US. "THE U.S. IS A SLOWLY SINKING SHIP!"



"I think Hillary is going to take the win. But I like Barak as better candidate;hes careful in each of his speeches and never says "I" and always speaks of "We". He thinks before he speaks. And I think that the U.S is so divided, that we need a president to start bringing us closer and blur some of the lines. But Im afraid the democratic party will divide and give an immediate win to the republicans again".


"Barack is the future, plain and simple, he's got the vision and it looks like he really wants something better for this country. I've seen that look in my mother's eyes too, that "American Dream" glow people get when they wax poetic about how things could be better. I'm voting for him, not even just because of his tan, but because I can's a FOB thing!"


Super Dave

"Is there anyone else running?, crap. Its wild, its like a horror story to many people b/c what scares most Americans (white man) than this. You have this black cat running and a crazy white women running for president. There could be history in the making, but for the supporters out there i wouldnt get my hopes up b/c its still a long ways away. So, I really don't think much about it right now."

Aaron "The Film Don"

"Hmm...I haven't been keeping up to date with the whole Presedential news lately. Please forgive me for not being as informed as I should be. Blame it on the damn "transfering thought into its physical form" (school) system for taking up all of my time. Should I not be making lame excuses such as that? Honestly I'm not really in tune with the political game."

-So(Exhales:) there you have it. Straight from the minds of four young trendsetters. This is going to be good. You have a black guy running for president, which is cool. Black folks are happy and Im sure they're saying to themselves as I did "At least it aint Al Sharpton or Don King". And its cool to have a female representin'. I hope this world is ready..........

Peace, Where are the side items?!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I meant to comment on this the other day, and I didn't, so I will now. I think it's time that we had a female President. Hell, we're in the 21st century! Of course, we haven't had an African American president yet, I guess it's kind of a mixed bag...but I was a big fan of Bill when he was in the White House, so my loyalties lie with Hilary. :)